An Interview with Bryan Hefner, Solutions Delivery:

What is network segmentation?

Network segmentation is the process of dividing your network into smaller, isolated segments to enhance security and provide specialized controls and services to each individual segment.

How does network segmentation work?

Network segmentation works by isolating network traffic into distinct segments, each with its own access control and security policies. This can be completed physically, utilizing separate network infrastructure, or logically by using technologies such as Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) or software defined networking (SDN) to create virtual boundaries within a physical network.

How is network segmentation enforced?

Network segmentation is enforced using segmentation policies to control how traffic moves between different portions of a network. This can be achieved using conventional technologies such as firewalls and access control lists (ACL)s, or through contemporary approaches like software-defined technologies, streamlining policy enforcement by categorizing and tagging network traffic, allowing for more efficient policy enforcement without the physical and configurational complexity of traditional methods.

What are the benefits of network segmentation?

There are numerous benefits to segmenting network traffic. The primary benefit is improved network security; segmentation reduces attack surfaces and limits lateral movement inside of networks. Additional benefits include improved network performance, increased flexibility and scalability, and optimized monitoring of network traffic and security events.